I'm so over Winter, aren't you? I'm ready for Spring!
The weather is making a fool of me, the sun is shining and I'm hoping that Spring is around the corner. But no, there's snow forecast for later on this week...

Spring Planter
I'm ignoring the weatherman, and I'm filling the house with Spring bulbs. You can never have enough flowers in the house and bulbs are a firm favourite at this time of year. I plant them in the garden once they've finished flowering and they'll come back next year.

Make your own Spring planter
You don't need anything fancy to make your own arrangement, follow these simple steps...
Here's what you will need:
Container (Plantpot, Bowl or Urn)
Assortment of Spring Bulbs
Compost or Bulb Fiber
Gloves (some bulbs can irritate the skin)
Twigs (optional)

First, pop on your gloves and start by taking the bulbs out of the plastic plant pot and gently teasing them apart so you can arrange them within your container. Add your compost or bulb fibre to the bottom of your container and have fun arranging your bulbs, either mixing them up for an assortment of flowers to create a living flower posy or keep it simple with multiples of the same flower.
Once you're happy with your arrangement fill the gaps between your bulbs with more compost, and give them a little drink of water. Bulbs don't like to be overly wet so make sure they aren't sat in water.
Then, add moss over the top of the compost to dress your planter, you could also use gravel or crushed shells if you prefer. This will help to retain moisture within the soil. The final touch is to add twigs if you choose, this will help heavier flowers such as hyacinths to keep upright when flowering as they can get a little bit top heavy!

Try to avoid placing your arrangement on top of or near a radiator.
You can use this method in a variety of planters wether they are for indoors or out. If they are to go outdoors make sure your container has drainage holes so the rain doesn't drown the bulbs, and that's it! You can go wild decorating your home with Spring flowers that will keep on giving, year after year. Simply plant them outside once they have finished flowering indoors and leave the foliage alone so the energy will go back into the bulb for next year's flowers. You can snip the foliage off once it goes brown.

Here I've used Hyacinths, Muscari and 'Tete-Ã -Tete' Daffodills.
All are available at Heeley Bank Antique Centre and The Kehlam Deli at the time of writing this post and are priced between £2 - £2.50 per pot.
So there you go, I told you it was easy! Don't forget you can be as creative as you like choosing your containers. You can use anything from coffee cups to enamel washing bowls! Tag us in any photos you share of your Spring planters, we'd love to see them!
Thank you
Ruth x